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Showing posts from June, 2021


COVID-19 leaked from Wuhan Lab? A Man-made virus. [Explained]

COVID-19 Is it a Man-made Virus?  Is it Possible that COVID-19 Is not a Natural Virus? Is it possible that the virus was leaked from a lab in Wuhan? Is it possible that this crisis is because of negligence? This is not a conspiracy theory. Scientist from all over the world, British Intelligence and other have proved it SCIENTIFICALLY, LOGICALLY, with evidence in the front of the world. And at this time when you are reading this blog. All the International committee is being discussed the Covid-19 virus. But, Today I am gonna ask you all some question, which you need to give answers to in the comment section, some questions might be uncomfortable. And if you think that this blog is worth it. Please share this with your Facebook and Whatsapp Friends. Covid-19 can be manmade or built in a lab. This was logically explained for the first time by this man. He is NICHOLAS WADE. He has written for the Science section at the New York Times. He has published